snowfall be 3.09   Heavy snowfalls are forecast.
  snowfall force 0.99   Heavy snowfalls forced cancellation of rail service in parts of the region.
  snowfall begin 0.53   The snowfall began during the night and stopped by midmorning.
  snowfall block 0.53   But as on Tuesday, the exodus was more like a trickle, in part because snowfall blocked roads east of Sarajevo.
  snowfall blanket 0.39   Unexpected snowfalls blanketed Alpine areas since Wednesday, causing an emergency situation for the Giro.
  snowfall bring 0.39   Heavy snowfalls brought traffic to a halt.
  snowfall disrupt 0.39   In Kent, snowfall disrupted train and ferry services.
  snowfall make 0.39   Snowfall may make access by land impossible by the end of December.
  snowfall cause 0.26   But heavy snowfall can cause many of the dirt tracks leading to villages to become impassable.
  snowfall close 0.26   As recently as last weekend the road was closed by snowfalls and traffic was unable to pass.
  snowfall ease 0.26   The snowfall eased, but did not stop the fighting entirely.
  snowfall hamper 0.26   Xinhua reported that heavy snowfall hampered damage assessment teams from getting to the worst hit area.
  snowfall hit 0.26   Record snowfalls have hit Moscow and other Russian regions over the past month.
  snowfall lead 0.26   Heavy snowfall led to road closures and many homes were without electricity.
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