sniff air 2.37   Sniff the air.
  sniff glue 0.79   And he said he sniffed the glue sometimes.
  sniff dog 0.39   They also trust cadaver- sniffing dogs named Bear, Caleb and Bonnie.
  sniff cocaine 0.33   He also was accused of taking a bribe, of having a drinking problem and sniffing cocaine.
  sniff wind 0.33   It may pace and sniff the wind for goodness.
  sniff car 0.26   In most cases, agents walk alongside the trains with dogs sniffing each car.
  sniff cork 0.26   Should you sniff the cork?
  sniff gas 0.26   Stephen Smith was on a weekend break away from the home when he sniffed the gas.
  sniff hand 0.26   Then he sniffed her hands and she drew up her fingers so he would not bite them.
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