smuggled goods 4.08   He seized shipments of smuggled goods.
  smuggled cigarette 1.84   Booming business in smuggled cigarettes turns deadly.
  smuggled oil 1.25   Most of the smuggled oil went to Iran.
  smuggled weapon 0.92   He said smuggled weapons had been seized and subversion plans uncovered.
  smuggled material 0.79   Russia denied it was the source of the smuggled materials.
  smuggled immigrant 0.59   Typically, the INS ends up arresting only the smuggled immigrants, not the smugglers.
  smuggled drug 0.39   Other smuggled drugs include heroin.
  smuggled videotape 0.39   Suu Kyi appealed to the ASEAN governments in a smuggled videotape seen Thursday in Bangkok to reconsider the plan.
  smuggled artifact 0.33   Officials have been working hard to have smuggled artifacts returned to Egypt.
  smuggled diamond 0.33   U.N. sanctions sought to stop the flow of guns and the smuggled diamonds to buy them.
  smuggled gun 0.33   But a relaxation of restrictions has caused an influx of smuggled guns from China and Southeast Asia.
  smuggled item 0.33   Most smuggled items are drugs, wine and farm products.
  smuggled car 0.26   It is the best place to get smuggled cars and discount narcotics.
  smuggled diesel 0.26   They said that some smuggled diesel fuel was unloaded at ports in the Emirates.
  smuggled fuel 0.26   To fill the gap, profiteers sell smuggled fuel at vastly inflated prices.
  smuggled gold 0.26   Customs officials said the smuggled gold is melted again in Thailand before being exported to Laos for reasons that remain unclear.
  smuggled ivory 0.26   The case is the biggest ever in China involving smuggled ivory, the newspaper said.
  smuggled narcotic 0.26   Heroin, opium, hashish and cocaine top the list of smuggled narcotics.
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