smell smoke 5.27   Do you smell smoke?
  smell blood 4.28   We smell blood.
  smell rat 2.57   I smell a rat.
  smell rose 2.11   Smell the roses.
  smell gas 1.84   I can smell gas.
  smell flower 1.71   You can almost smell the flowers.
  smell coffee 1.58   Smell the coffee.
  smell alcohol 1.12   Do you smell alcohol?
  smell marijuana 1.05   The state trooper who stopped the car smelled marijuana.
  smell fear 0.99   Can computers smell fear.
  smell victory 0.92   The Yankees and their fans can smell victory.
  smell odor 0.72   She also smells the odor of ageism and sexism.
  smell money 0.66   He smells money.
  smell fume 0.59   Some claimed they smelled fumes.
  smell conspiracy 0.53   Rick smells a conspiracy.
  smell grass 0.53   Smelling the grass.
  smell trouble 0.53   You could smell the trouble.
  smell flesh 0.46   They smelled rotting flesh.
  smell air 0.39   I get the creepiest feeling now when I smell that Pacific Northwest Seattle air.
  smell aroma 0.39   At my age, I get nervous when I smell that aroma.
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