slaughter animal 5.27   The animals were slaughtered Sunday.
  slaughter thousand 2.30   The Netherlands and France have already slaughtered thousands of animals.
  slaughter cattle 2.04   Cattle were slaughtered.
  slaughter people 1.84   A crazed gunman slaughtered five people last night.
  slaughter cow 1.78   The cow was slaughtered.
  slaughter sheep 1.71   Local people slaughter sheep to celebrate.
  slaughter hundred 1.45   He is believed to have slaughtered hundreds of elephants for their tusks.
  slaughter chicken 1.18   Afterward, the chickens are slaughtered and given to charity.
  slaughter pig 1.05   The pigs were slaughtered on the farm.
  slaughter herd 0.99   The herd was slaughtered over the weekend.
  slaughter hog 0.99   First, the hogs were slaughtered.
  slaughter civilian 0.86   Serbs promise to use heavy artillery to slaughter civilians everywhere.
  slaughter livestock 0.86   The soldiers slaughtered livestock.
  slaughter bird 0.79   The rabbis not only slaughter the birds but inspect them.
  slaughter weight 0.72   Pigs take about a half year to grow to slaughter weight.
  slaughter family 0.59   Whole families were slaughtered, Amnesty said.
  slaughter man 0.46   He slaughtered our men in forty minutes.
  slaughter goat 0.39   Sheikh slaughtered the goat.
  slaughter million 0.39   The U.K. is in the process of slaughtering millions of cows.
  slaughter poultry 0.39   Meanwhile, Mr Liu dismissed claims that new ways of slaughtering poultry would offend Muslim religious beliefs.
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