slap hand 6.32   Slap hands.
  slap sanction 5.79   U.S. slaps trade sanctions on Europe in food fight.
  slap ball 3.03   Batter slaps ball toward the mound.
  slap face 2.70   Slap our faces.
  slap single 2.30   Kirby Puckett slapped a single to right.
  slap tariff 1.97   Washington has reacted by slapping tariffs on some luxury goods and banning others.
  slap back 1.78   He slapped my back and said, Maybe so.
  slap ban 1.51   A travel ban was also slapped on UNITA officials.
  slap high-five 1.25   They slapped high-fives, and posed for a team picture.
  slap five 1.12   They slapped fives.
  slap palm 1.12   Palm is getting slapped.
  slap curfew 0.92   A curfew has been slapped on the city.
  slap restriction 0.92   The United States slapped restrictions on India after the tests, most of which were lifted last year.
  slap thigh 0.92   At that moment, Hingis started to slap her thigh.
  slap forehead 0.86   Foreheads will be slapped.
  slap tax 0.86   Chad, a former French colony, retaliated by slapping taxes on the French operation.
  slap grounder 0.79   Rockies pitcher John Thomson slapped a grounder up the middle.
  slap knee 0.79   Did nary a knee get slapped?
  slap puck 0.79   Then he slaps the puck home.
  slap wrist 0.72   It slapped wrists.
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