sky be 56.81   The sky was grey.
  sky prevail 11.78   Mostly clear skies prevailed.
  sky clear 6.39   The skies cleared.
  sky darken 4.21   Skies darkened.
  sky turn 4.08   The skies turned nasty.
  sky fall 3.95   The sky is falling!
  sky cover 3.16   Partly sunny skies will cover the South.
  sky remain 3.03   Instead, the sky remained quiet.
  sky begin 2.57   The sky began to clear.
  sky become 2.30   The sky becomes dark.
  sky continue 2.17   Elsewhere the skies continued partly cloudy.
  sky persist 1.91   Fair skies persisted elsewhere.
  sky brighten 1.65   The skies brighten.
  sky open 1.58   Then the skies opened.
  sky seem 1.51   Now the sky seems to be the limit.
  sky grow 1.32   The sky grew dark.
  sky go 0.92   The sky went dark.
  sky look 0.92   The sky looks nice that day.
  sky range 0.92   Skies will range from partly cloudy to mostly sunny for today.
  sky open_up 0.79   The skies open up, drenching horse and rider.
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