skating rink 8.62   He chose a skating rink.
  skating official 2.50   Reaction among skating officials was mixed.
  skating federation 1.97   After an outraged protest by the skating federation, the governor apologized.
  skating union 1.91   It also employs judges sanctioned by the skating union.
  skating world 1.51   So has the skating world turned in just a year.
  skating judge 1.12   She was later appointed a skating judge.
  skating program 0.92   A skating program immediately followed.
  skating ability 0.86   He is used to the knocks on his skating ability by now.
  skating competition 0.79   Every skating competition is supposed to start even.
  skating event 0.72   Themed skating events are nothing new.
  skating show 0.72   Brown was president of the skating show and it was a big draw.
  skating community 0.66   The news spread through the skating community Thursday evening.
  skating career 0.59   Her skating career ended shortly after that when she married.
  skating scandal 0.59   The skating scandal.
  skating star 0.59   Our skating stars are as big as football stars.
  skating pair 0.53   Together, the two ice skating pairs hugged.
  skating champion 0.46   Burg also has represented two-time Olympic skating champion Katarina Witt.
  skating championship 0.46   Then they were to go on to Prague, Czechoslovakia, for the world ice skating championships.
  skating coach 0.46   Carlo Fassi, the renowned skating coach, had died of a heart attack a day earlier.
  skating game 0.46   In the skating game, the girl she had been was golden.
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