situation change 1.91   Needs change, situations change.
  situation ministry 1.51   The emergency situations ministry said radioactivity levels were normal in Moscow on Friday.
  situation room 1.12   The following morning, a phone rings in the situation room.
  situation report 1.05   Ziggy porpoised through the snow, her cropped tail ticking out an ongoing situation report.
  situation remains 0.59   Two games into the season, though, the situation remains unsettled.
  situation call 0.53   If the situation calls for me to take, I will.
  situation calm 0.53   But he plans to stay in Vista Hermosa until the situation calms.
  situation permit 0.53   It calls for the deployment of peacekeepers in those regions if the situation permits.
  situation say 0.53   That will be difficult, people familiar with the situation say.
  situation minister 0.46   But Shoigu, the emergency situations minister, said there were few leads.
  situation warrant 0.33   Clearly, the situation warrants further follow up for cancer morbidity in this cohort.
  situation worse 0.33   Defiant Milosevic says NATO threats only make Kosovo situation worse.
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