single lead 3.62   Derek Jeter singled to lead off.
  single start 2.96   Baerga singled to start the seventh.
  single score 2.57   Medina singled to score both runs.
  single load 2.37   Robin Ventura singled to load the bases.
  single open 2.24   Frye singled to open the inning.
  single drive 1.45   Castro singled to drive in Cedeno.
  single right-center 1.12   Strawberry smiled and singled to right-center.
  single put_on 1.05   Dreifort and Tom Goodwin singled to put runners on the corners.
  single center 0.99   Single to center, two RBI.
  single leave 0.79   Jose Valentin singled to left to score Mieske.
  single bring 0.59   He singled to bring home a sprinting Vaughn.
  single chase 0.46   Dan Wilson walked and Luis Sojo singled to chase Radke.
  single right 0.46   Payton singled to right, Agbayani to second.
  single put 0.33   Dreifort and Goodwin singled to put runners at the corners.
  single begin 0.26   Edgar Renteria and McGwire singled to begin the fourth inning and Lankford doubled in a run.
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