sing song 45.82   Shall I sing a song?
  sing praise 10.86   They sing his praises.
  sing hymn 10.47   Some sang hymns.
  sing blues 3.36   Adults sing the blues.
  sing role 3.16   She had not sung the role in six years.
  sing carol 3.03   A high school choir sang carols.
  sing tune 2.76   He had them singing his tune.
  sing anthem 2.37   The anthem was sung by Brandy.
  sing music 2.17   A choir sang liturgical music.
  sing word 1.84   Then someone sang the words.
  sing duet 1.45   The two men sang a duet.
  sing part 1.45   The part is sung by a boy treble.
  sing opera 1.38   The opera is sung in Khmer.
  sing lyric 1.18   And then I started singing these lyrics.
  sing way 1.12   The way you sing off key,
  sing aria 1.05   Each singer then sang an aria.
  sing note 1.05   We hardly sang a note.
  sing backup 0.92   She sang backup on his CD.
  sing verse 0.92   Robb began to sing a verse of the Marine Hymn.
  sing ballad 0.86   Listen to her sing Gershwin ballads.
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