simmering water 5.46   Place over simmering water.
  simmering tension 3.62   The simmering tensions provide fertile ground for subversion.
  simmering dispute 3.16   The press statement apparently was a warning shot in the simmering diplomatic dispute.
  simmering conflict 1.78   Others signaled simmering conflict and resentment bubbling beneath the surface.
  simmering discontent 1.18   Increasingly, this looks like being a summer of simmering discontent.
  simmering resentment 0.92   The players read it, and there was a simmering resentment on their parts.
  simmering feud 0.79   A simmering feud between the two superstars went public last January.
  simmering debate 0.72   The simmering debate over affirmative action boiled over on several fronts Wednesday.
  simmering anger 0.66   But many worry that simmering anger could boil over.
  simmering border 0.66   The simmering border conflict erupted into full scale war in May.
  simmering row 0.66   A simmering row ended with her letting fly with a stream of obscenities.
  simmering insurgency 0.59   The Islamic Group was responsible for a simmering insurgency in southern Egypt.
  simmering hostility 0.53   They reflect a simmering French hostility toward U.S. global influence.
  simmering liquid 0.53   Begin adding the simmering liquid a ladle or two at a time.
  simmering rebellion 0.53   A similar simmering rebellion was reported by staff of the Politika daily.
  simmering frustration 0.46   There are, to be sure, signs of a simmering frustration among some voters.
  simmering independence 0.46   Indonesia annexed the territory the following year, and since has fought a simmering independence movement there.
  simmering violence 0.46   Amid the simmering violence, Albanians prepare to bury their newest dead.
  simmering issue 0.39   Immigration rights have been a simmering issue since the handover.
  simmering movement 0.39   Beijing has been battling a simmering militant separatist movement in Xinjiang.
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