silent film 6.52   Experimental films, silent films.
  silent prayer 6.52   I say a silent prayer.
  silent movie 4.28   Even silent movies have yet to arrive.
  silent majority 3.82   The silent majorities were too strong.
  silent protest 2.76   Parliament joined the silent protest.
  silent auction 2.70   The Kings added a silent auction of memorabilia.
  silent alarm 1.58   Now with a silent alarm and backlit display.
  silent vigil 1.32   At the weekend they held a silent vigil in Liverpool.
  silent march 1.12   Overnight Wednesday, students carrying candles staged a silent march from the shelter.
  silent killer 0.99   Diabetes is a silent killer.
  silent meditation 0.92   She bowed her head for a few seconds in silent meditation and then returned to her home.
  silent scream 0.92   Ashley gave a silent primal scream.
  silent era 0.86   Boxing films go back to the silent era.
  silent tribute 0.86   Large crowds paid silent tribute outside.
  silent man 0.79   My father was a very silent man.
  silent night 0.79   Silent nights, indeed.
  silent screen 0.79   He began taping play-by-plays in front of a silent TV screen.
  silent demonstration 0.72   At the same time, several thousand people took part in a silent demonstration in Madrid.
  silent one 0.72   A silent one in the Braves dugout.
  silent count 0.66   They had a silent count.
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