sign agreement 298.16   An agreement was signed in December.
  sign contract 120.08   The contracts are signed now.
  sign treaty 73.14   India refused to sign the treaty.
  sign accord 65.90   China did not sign that accord.
  sign bill 60.76   And signing bills.
  sign deal 43.78   Or sign the deal.
  sign autograph 42.33   Autographs are signed.
  sign document 34.69   He signed a document.
  sign letter 25.67   Baker signed the letter.
  sign memorandum 21.99   Benetton and Turkish licensee signed memorandum on child-labor.
  sign pact 21.79   He urged China to sign the pact.
  sign petition 20.34   Both signed the petition.
  sign legislation 20.28   Faubus signed the legislation into law.
  sign statement 18.76   Both refused to sign the statement.
  sign decree 18.70   He signed the decree Sunday.
  sign player 17.58   Like signing players.
  sign law 14.22   Gov. Bob Holden signed the law in May.
  sign measure 12.44   Bush said he would sign the measure.
  sign order 11.78   They want to sign orders.
  sign paper 10.60   Sign those papers.
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