shuttle bus 13.50   Ride the shuttle bus.
  shuttle mission 13.17   ...the first shuttle mission.
  shuttle crew 12.51   The shuttle crew is based in Houston.
  shuttle astronaut 9.22   He is a veteran shuttle astronaut.
  shuttle flight 9.15   First shuttle flight.
  shuttle service 8.89   No shuttle service as yet to the city.
  shuttle manager 4.54   Shuttle managers hope to have an answer by early next week.
  shuttle commander 2.90   Shuttle commander Stephen Oswald was taking no chances.
  shuttle train 1.91   At the Belfast station passengers boarded a small shuttle train.
  shuttle launch 1.84   How about viewing a shuttle launch?
  shuttle arm 1.71   Wakata will use the shuttle robot arm to perform the job.
  shuttle program 1.58   The walls are practically a history of the shuttle program.
  shuttle system 1.51   A shuttle bus system is economically questionable.
  shuttle trip 1.32   This is also a shuttle trip.
  shuttle visit 1.25   The port will be used for future shuttle visits.
  shuttle bay 1.18   The shuttle cargo bay was right there, as if to catch them.
  shuttle pilot 1.18   No evasive action was needed by the shuttle pilots.
  shuttle fleet 0.99   Rockwell built the shuttle fleet, and maintains it.
  shuttle operation 0.92   Previous shuttle rendezvous operations have always had use of the radar.
  shuttle landing 0.86   APTN aims to have coverage of the shuttle landing.
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