shun limelight 2.24   Megawati shuns the limelight.
  shun publicity 2.11   He shuns publicity.
  shun spotlight 1.78   Gary Kubiak shuns the spotlight.
  shun contact 1.71   For decades, Balthus shunned public contact.
  shun stock 1.51   Both states shun stocks for century-old reasons.
  shun company 0.99   At times he shuns company and cries loudly.
  shun market 0.79   Venezuelan stocks declined as foreign investors shunned the market.
  shun politics 0.79   It shuns politics.
  shun beef 0.72   Consumers throughout Europe shunned beef.
  shun interview 0.66   Rohl shuns any interviews.
  shun violence 0.66   But he shuns physical violence.
  shun idea 0.59   Until now, the GOP has shunned Democratic ideas.
  shun offer 0.59   She shunned those offers.
  shun alcohol 0.53   The Bosnian president, a devout Muslim, shuns alcohol.
  shun area 0.53   More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area.
  shun attention 0.53   Dudley is quiet and shuns attention.
  shun country 0.53   Foreign leaders largely shunned the country to avoid meeting him.
  shun patient 0.53   Dying patients were shunned and abused.
  shun press 0.53   Haas shuns the press.
  shun talk 0.53   The communist country shuns direct talks with Seoul, accusing it of being a U.S. puppet.
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