shroud part 0.92   Meanwhile, fog will shroud parts of the Pacific Northwest.
  shroud mountain 0.66   The mountains were shrouded in fog.
  shroud area 0.53   Many forms of fog have shrouded areas of the East this week.
  shroud investigation 0.39   Inside Saudi Arabia, secrecy has shrouded the investigation.
  shroud city 0.33   Ash and sand shrouded the city, limiting visibility.
  shroud head 0.33   Many eyes were closed and a few heads were shrouded in black lace.
  shroud region 0.33   The region was quickly shrouded with black columns of smoke.
  shroud activity 0.26   In the early months, secrecy shrouded their activities.
  shroud case 0.26   But the case has been shrouded in secrecy.
  shroud coast 0.26   Farther south, areas of dense fog will shroud the coast of southern California.
  shroud death 0.26   Mystery shrouds his death.
  shroud peak 0.26   The peaks were shrouded in a hauntingly beautiful mist.
  shroud section 0.26   Patchy ocean fog may shroud coastal sections.
  shroud village 0.26   A timid sun mounts the palm trees that shroud the village, and streets moist with dew stir with life.
  shroud window 0.26   The effect is to shroud the windows while leaving the beds exposed.
  shroud woman 0.26   A strict dress code requires women to be shrouded from head to toe.
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