shout slogan 40.88   Protesters were shouting anti-government slogans.
  shout insult 6.45   The Palestinians shouted back insults.
  shout obscenity 4.34   Some shouted obscenities.
  shout abuse 4.08   Youths shouted abuse.
  shout name 3.95   She shouted my name in a harsh voice.
  shout question 3.23   Started shouting questions.
  shout encouragement 2.90   He shouts encouragement.
  shout warning 2.11   He shouted a warning but it was too late.
  shout instruction 1.97   Wenger stood on the sidelines shouting instructions.
  shout epithet 1.91   He drew attention to himself and shouted epithets.
  shout order 1.84   The men shouted contrary orders.
  shout word 1.71   H how did he shout those words?
  shout support 1.32   Neighbors shouted their support.
  shout threat 1.25   They shouted threats at the terrified townspeople.
  shout slur 1.18   The officers were heard shouting racial slurs.
  shout curse 1.12   Then he shouts a curse.
  shout match 1.12   Shouting matches among the different units is common.
  shout demand 1.05   Protesters shout demands for bombs.
  shout profanity 1.05   Amit said demonstrators shouted profanities at him and his men.
  shout approval 0.99   Fans shouted their approval.
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