shot at 159.05   Another shot at the Sox.
  shot of 100.53   ...a shot of vodka.
  shot in 92.17   A shot in the leg.
  shot from 79.33   Andreychuk took a shot from the high slot.
  shot on 46.02   Shots on goal were weak.
  shot to 42.92   A shot to the trunk.
  shot by 36.14   A called shot by the Trojans?
  shot into 35.62   Not a shot into the air.
  shot off 23.57   Kuchar went to bed a mere two shots off the lead.
  shot for 19.22   He does live shots for Fox News.
  shot with 18.83   Like block shots with regularity.
  shot past 17.18   Then, he launched a shot past McLean.
  shot behind 14.35   I got four shots behind.
  shot over 14.02   She volleyed the shot over the net.
  shot after 9.41   Shot after shot after shot.
  shot against 8.49   We had no shot against those teams.
  shot down 6.91   They hit key shots down the stretch.
  shot during 6.19   He recovered his shot during the break.
  shot as 5.92   I want the same shot as everyone else.
  shot through 5.46   A scream then shot through the crowd.
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