shirt pocket 6.06   Burton looks inside his shirt pocket.
  shirt sleeve 4.87   Tattoos peek out from shirt sleeves.
  shirt collar 3.23   Ponytails must be tucked into shirt collars.
  shirt open 1.05   He wore a blue shirt open at the neck.
  shirt jacket 0.99   The shirt jacket has been reincarnated enthusiastically.
  shirt front 0.72   She holds her face against his shirt front.
  shirt button 0.59   He undoes a third shirt button.
  shirt dress 0.53   Steffe appeared in a black matte jersey shirt dress worn over a black miniskirt.
  shirt cuff 0.46   He slipped into his coat and shook his arms to make his shirt cuffs appear.
  shirt tail 0.46   But a long shirt tail flopped down around his thighs.
  shirt factory 0.33   Two of the men are manual laborers while another works in a shirt factory.
  shirt box 0.26   It was a worn gray cardboard shirt box, nothing to draw the attention of the woman descending the littered stairwell.
  shirt number 0.26   Figure indicates shirt number to be worn throughout tournament.
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