ship be 57.67   Are all ships similar?
  ship sink 13.43   The ship sank.
  ship have 13.30   Cruise ships have rules.
  ship sail 8.16   The ship sails.
  ship carry 7.57   The ship was also carrying timber.
  ship arrive 7.24   A U.S. Navy ship arrived.
  ship leave 6.98   Ship leaves port.
  ship go 6.58   The ship goes down, Max.
  ship dock 5.33   They left once the ship docked.
  ship take 4.87   Our ship took a direct hit and sank.
  ship come 3.88   How did this ship come to be there?
  ship run 3.69   The ship runs aground.
  ship make 3.42   But the ship made no response.
  ship begin 3.36   The ship began to list.
  ship remain 3.29   The ship remains at large.
  ship return 3.23   Then, the ship returns to New York.
  ship collide 2.70   Ships are colliding at sea.
  ship enter 2.57   No other ship has entered the common speech.
  ship fire 2.50   North Korea claimed South Korean ships fired first.
  ship head 2.44   Ship heads toward China.
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