shepherd legislation 0.53   DeLay shepherded legislation incorporating the Bush energy plan through the House last August.
  shepherd bill 0.39   They shepherded the bill through Congress.
  shepherd company 0.33   But even as venture capitalists shepherd old companies, they continue to finance some promising new ones, too.
  shepherd country 0.26   In Taiwan, Lee deserves great credit for skillfully shepherding his country to democracy.
  shepherd flock 0.26   Candilio has been in Malaysia for four years, shepherding his flock here.
  shepherd project 0.26   He has shepherded projects at PNC including, a site where people can obtain college loans from PNC.
  shepherd student 0.26   Yet the faculty managed to shepherd the students through smoke and chaos and find places to keep them from harm.
  shepherd talk 0.26   Kollar-Kotelly said she will appoint a mediator Friday to shepherd the talks if necessary.
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