shelled village 0.39   But ethnic Albanians and international aid officials spoke of shelled villages and civilians fleeing.
  shelled pecan 0.33   So, it may pay to stock up on shelled pecans.
  shelled guerrilla 0.26   The military shelled guerrilla bases in northern Sri Lanka, said Tamil civilians traveling to the mainland from rebel-held regions.
  shelled house 0.26   A video pans a shelled house in the province of Bamian.
  shelled position 0.26   NATO jets flew over Zepa Friday as Serbs shelled positions manned by Ukrainian peacekeepers and Zepa village.
  shelled seed 0.26   The shelled seeds are about the size of sunflower seeds and taste similar.
  shelled shrimp 0.26   Former civil rights advocates are slinking through the glass doors for shelled shrimp.
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