shark attack 6.25   Shark attack.
  shark cartilage 1.91   Shark cartilage.
  shark fin 1.45   Officers alleged a quantity of shark fin and flesh was on the boat.
  shark fishing 1.12   The rule would not affect shark fishing.
  shark net 0.79   Authorities set up shark nets at three beaches in the area last year.
  shark coach 0.72   Sharks coach Darryl Sutter said.
  shark soup 0.72   The fin is then used in the popular shark fin soup.
  shark tank 0.72   She was alone in the shark tank.
  shark cage 0.59   The Australian ultra-swimmer was protected during her swim inside a shark cage.
  shark expert 0.59   Shark experts questioned the fin size.
  shark population 0.59   The goal is to determine shark populations, migratory patterns and growth rates.
  shark bite 0.53   The number of shark bites can vary widely year-to-year and location-to-location.
  shark species 0.53   The report did not identify the shark species.
  shark meat 0.46   Worldwide consumption of shark meat soared.
  shark sighting 0.46   Shark sighting in Sydney Harbor or the river are rare.
  shark captain 0.39   Sharks captain Wayne Fyvie was happy to break the Eden Park winless drought.
  shark defenseman 0.39   Sharks defenseman Jayson More agreed.
  shark goalie 0.39   Sharks goalie Mike Vernon was shaky early.
  shark hunt 0.39   But the authorities have ruled out an official shark hunt.
  shark water 0.33   Thousands of Haitians each year try to cross on rickety boats the shark infested waters prone to storms.
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