share information 57.27   And how fully they share information is unclear.
  share view 39.10   Do you share that view?
  share power 31.20   Now they agreed to share power.
  share experience 16.06   -- Share your experiences.
  share concern 15.47   Do you share that concern?
  share cost 15.14   We can share the cost of gas for the ride.
  share responsibility 14.94   And why do we have shared responsibilities?
  share story 13.82   Between bites he shared stories.
  share border 10.80   Fukui and Kyoto share a border.
  share blame 10.40   Someone to share the blame.
  share space 10.34   Both sexes share dorm space.
  share sentiment 10.07   I share those sentiments.
  share intelligence 9.02   Many more have shared intelligence.
  share place 8.82   The two teams share fifth place.
  share idea 8.62   Ideas are shared.
  share stage 8.49   Rock music and preaching shared the stage.
  share datum 8.43   The data will be shared.
  share interest 8.36   Do you share those interests?
  share time 8.10   Once you shared the time.
  share thought 7.97   We shared thoughts.
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