shady deal 2.83   A shady stock deal?
  shady investment 2.57   Economists now say much of that progress was based on the shady investment funds.
  shady dealing 2.50   Beware of shady dealings.
  shady business 2.30   He was involved in shady business deals.
  shady character 1.71   He seems like a pretty shady character.
  shady spot 1.71   I have it in a shady spot.
  shady tree 1.45   Where classrooms have disappeared, pupils sit beneath shady trees.
  shady side 1.12   Sometimes the deal-makers are on the shady side.
  shady area 0.92   Bush and his advisers staked out a shady area.
  shady past 0.79   Many Indian politicians have shady criminal pasts.
  shady practice 0.79   In recent weeks, the Board has begun cracking down on shady trading practices.
  shady land 0.72   Jim Bowie puts together shady land deals.
  shady businessman 0.66   But Ostankino officials suggested it was a contract killing ordered by shady businessmen.
  shady loan 0.66   This job is hard enough just trying to reel in run-amok agents or trace shady loans.
  shady pyramid 0.66   Nearly every Albanian lost money in shady pyramid fund schemes tolerated by the government.
  shady street 0.66   Its shady streets adjoin manicured lawns.
  shady place 0.59   Find a shady place to park and let plenty of air in.
  shady corner 0.46   Plant the herbs in a shady corner of the garden.
  shady reputation 0.46   The industry was small and, to some degree, had a slightly shady reputation.
  shady operator 0.39   There were no shady operators or allegations of financial payoffs.
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