sever tie 30.48   She severed her ties with England.
  sever link 7.24   It severed links with Myanmar and China.
  sever relation 5.66   Relations were severed.
  sever contact 3.49   She had severed all contact with her ex-husband.
  sever head 2.17   Severed heads.
  sever artery 2.11   Severed arteries.
  sever relationship 1.91   Ford executives felt used, Stockmann said, and severed the relationship.
  sever connection 1.38   We cannot sever our connection with the past.
  sever leg 1.12   His leg was not severed.
  sever line 0.99   Her gas line had been severed, too.
  sever tendon 0.99   The boy fell over a tree as he ran away, severing a tendon.
  sever limb 0.92   Viewers get an eyeful of decapitations and severed limbs.
  sever arm 0.72   It almost completely severs the arm.
  sever cable 0.59   That same night, a fiber optic cable was severed by an ascending door.
  sever spine 0.59   The bullet severed her spine.
  sever bond 0.53   At least temporarily, that bond has been severed.
  sever contract 0.53   Then, she severed her contract with her coach, Sven Groeneveld.
  sever hand 0.53   A hard tug by the other team severed his hand.
  sever body 0.46   They speculate that the killer may have severed the body to cover up a sex crime.
  sever ear 0.46   In addition, his left ear was partly severed.
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