setup man 9.48   With LA, he was a setup man.
  setup role 2.30   Maybe he can slide into a setup role.
  setup reliever 1.71   The setup reliever holds the lead.
  setup program 1.05   Even the setup program is cool.
  setup screen 0.46   Once you are in the setup screen, search for the password feature.
  setup fee 0.39   There is no setup fee.
  setup guy 0.39   Someone had labeled me a setup guy.
  setup process 0.39   Where necessary, the software could install the needed code as part of its setup process.
  setup pass 0.33   Bill Berg scored one for the Rangers, at even strength, after setup passes from Niklas Sundstrom and Ken Gernander.
  setup job 0.26   But some teams were cautious, offering him their setup job.
  setup line 0.26   What a setup line.
  setup pitcher 0.26   He became a reliable setup pitcher.
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