serve at 46.35   Abner Doubleday served at Fort Hamilton.
  serve over 14.94   Serve over ice.
  serve to 12.11   First serve to the backhand.
  serve during 6.06   He served during World War II.
  serve from 5.27   Serve from pan.
  serve alongside 4.41   Serve alongside ribs.
  serve until 3.62   He served until last year.
  serve by 3.29   Serve by the spoonful and top with melted butter.
  serve without 3.03   It can be served without the custard sauce.
  serve before 2.70   His father served before him.
  serve in 2.63   In World War II he served in the Army, rising to lieutenant.
  serve after 2.37   So what to serve after the caviar?
  serve through 1.51   He has committed to serve through June.
  serve within 1.45   Serve within an hour.
  serve for 1.25   For some it serves as transitional employment.
  serve against 1.18   Williams serving against Hrdlickova.
  serve like 1.18   He does not serve like Pete.
  serve aboard 1.05   Lee went on to serve aboard the USS Missouri.
  serve of 0.99   Top with serving of ice cream.
  serve since 0.99   Both had served since the Koch administration.
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