separatist group 69.19   Separatist groups have mushroomed.
  separatist rebel 42.66   Turkey links the Kurdish group to separatist rebels.
  separatist leader 40.88   These ballots infuriate separatist leaders.
  separatist guerrilla 27.52   Police blamed separatist Naga guerrillas.
  separatist movement 24.95   ...the Basque separatist movement.
  separatist fighter 12.18   Five separatist fighters were taken prisoner.
  separatist force 11.39   The separatist forces had already announced the shooting down.
  separatist republic 10.40   Graphic depicts their route back towards the separatist republic.
  separatist militant 10.20   Police blamed separatist militants.
  separatist campaign 7.90   Separatist campaign turns into guerrilla war.
  separatist region 7.24   The city is not far from the separatist region of Chechnya.
  separatist violence 6.06   Tracking separatist violence in Indian Kashmir.
  separatist organisation 5.20   Three Uighur separatist organisations are based in Kazakhstan.
  separatist war 5.13   It did not appear linked to the separatist war in Kashmir.
  separatist sentiment 3.95   Separatist sentiment thrived.
  separatist organization 3.75   Both attacks were blamed on the Basque separatist organization ETA.
  separatist province 3.75   The separatist provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia did not participate.
  separatist propaganda 3.55   The publisher was later cleared of separatist propaganda.
  separatist government 3.36   The separatist government promised Friday to resolve the conflict, he said.
  separatist insurgency 3.16   India is battling a number of separatist insurgencies.
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