sentence reduction
3.29 |
Others may get sentence reductions. |
sentence structure
1.91 |
Avoid convoluted sentence structures. |
sentence fragment
1.65 |
Sentence fragments are good. |
sentence people
0.53 |
Chinese police are empowered to sentence people to up to three years in a reeducation camp without trial. |
sentence appeal
0.46 |
Killer withdraws death sentence appeal. |
sentence length
0.39 |
Holds down sentence lengths and headline counts. |
sentence case
0.33 |
As with all death sentence cases, Cobb is entitled to an automatic appeal. |
sentence commutation
0.33 |
The New York Post, quoting unidentified sources, reported Friday that the sentence commutation was part of the investigation. |
sentence construction
0.26 |
Awkward sentence constructions occur as images make their way from brain to finger to pencil to paper. |
sentence end
0.26 |
Now, name question mark asked the doctor now that is the end a sentence, so we have a fullstop there. |