sell raise 2.44   Some art was sold to raise money, the staff trimmed.
  sell pay 2.04   Property with value is sold to pay creditors.
  sell finance 1.51   The illicit drugs were to have been sold to finance the separatist activities.
  sell help 1.32   The plates will be sold to help cancer-related charities.
  sell buy 1.25   The truckers carry food into northern Iraq, which they sell to buy gas.
  sell be 1.18   What sells in our society now, which is unfortunate, is negative things.
  sell base 1.05   They buy or sell based on how their soccer team does.
  sell cover 1.05   The workers say it should be sold to cover their unpaid wages.
  sell make 1.05   The salvaged material is sold to make more jugs, cans and boxes.
  sell take 0.79   Some investors were selling to take profits in some of the big name computer stocks, he said.
  sell advertise 0.66   In the meantime, the city will use the Bonham study to help sell advertising in the park.
  sell lock 0.66   Investors also sold to lock in profits before the end of the fiscal half-year in September.
  sell use 0.66   Ty had complained that his property was sold using fake titles, he added.
  sell pay_off 0.59   Some of the art was sold to pay off creditors.
  sell repay 0.59   State enterprises are also being sold to repay the principal.
  sell meet 0.53   Some other shares have been sold to meet margin calls.
  sell benefit 0.39   Sold to benefit World Wildlife Fund.
  sell dry 0.39   They are sold dried and must be soaked in hot water before using.
  sell follow 0.39   But institutional investors had sold heavily following the fresh advance of the yen, market sources said.
  sell start 0.39   It will be sold starting this summer.
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