select candidate 6.12   Other candidates will be selected from European clubs.
  select winner 5.92   How are the winners selected?
  select player 5.86   Eighty-one players were selected.
  select team 5.46   The teams get selected.
  select site 5.27   No site has been selected yet.
  select option 4.67   Select that option.
  select president 3.16   Have the man on the street select the president?
  select member 3.03   Select club members carefully.
  select jury 2.83   You select juries?
  select delegate 2.57   The delegates are selected in state convention caucuses.
  select name 2.44   Why did you select that name?
  select student 2.37   Students were selected by lottery.
  select target 2.37   From those, Bayer will select targets for its use.
  select leader 2.30   Just examine the way we select our leaders.
  select replacement 2.30   The pope will select his replacement.
  select judge 2.11   It also changed how dance judges are selected.
  select nominee 2.04   An Academy committee selects the nominees.
  select company 1.91   But schools do select the companies for students who apply.
  select item 1.84   Want to select an item?
  select stock 1.78   How would the government select stocks?
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