seized weapon 2.37   The debate over what police should do with seized weapons is a long one.
  seized property 2.17   Even seized property can make money for its expropriated owners.
  seized document 1.84   Israel says seized document shows Arafat paying militant.
  seized control 1.32   In the fourth, the Royals seized control with three more runs.
  seized asset 1.05   The money was paid from seized Iraqi assets.
  seized drug 0.92   No weight equivalent was given for the seized drugs.
  seized material 0.92   Local distributors of the seized material were fined.
  seized power 0.92   Bare seized power promising a return democracy and civilian rule.
  seized ship 0.66   Seized Cypriot ship released.
  seized heroin 0.59   The seized heroin was found in two boxes of statues of elephants shipped from Thailand, said Anderson.
  seized item 0.59   The seized items filled two government warehouses.
  seized evidence 0.46   Legally seized evidence can then be used at a criminal trial.
  seized land 0.46   Rebels struggle to administer seized lands.
  seized car 0.39   The opposition party, RENAMO, denied the seized car belonged to their leader, Afonso Dhlakama.
  seized cash 0.39   Malik has denied any link to the seized cash.
  seized computer 0.39   The vehicle was destroyed but information about it was found on seized computer disks.
  seized substance 0.39   The seized substances were sent to a nuclear research laboratory for examination.
  seized uranium 0.39   Investigators told reporters that the seized uranium could have been used to make nuclear warheads.
  seized boat 0.33   Citing his authority as an official of the Albanian government, he ordered the Italians to release the seized boats.
  seized goods 0.33   The seized goods included handbags, luggage and wallets.
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