seize control 37.06   No terrorist can seize control of them.
  seize power 37.06   The rebels have seized power.
  seize opportunity 26.40   Every opportunity must be seized.
  seize weapon 15.01   No weapons were seized.
  seize property 11.52   The bank seized their property.
  seize moment 11.32   Seize the moment.
  seize asset 9.28   The ruling junta seized their assets.
  seize document 8.23   Its documents have been seized.
  seize land 6.85   Some seized the land.
  seize initiative 6.25   The Kiwis failed to seize the initiative.
  seize chance 5.53   Seize this chance!
  seize hundred 5.33   Police seized hundreds of bank documents.
  seize hostage 5.20   The next day, the Serbs seized hostages.
  seize ship 4.94   So far, no ships have been seized.
  seize car 4.87   Police seized a car with Swiss license plates.
  seize town 4.74   Reporters and lawyers seized the town.
  seize drug 4.67   No drugs were seized.
  seize territory 4.54   Congo accuses Rwanda of trying to seize its territory.
  seize plane 3.95   The plane was later seized by the Indian authorities.
  seize boat 3.88   Four boats were seized.
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