seismic activity 11.32   Seismic activity increased, too.
  seismic wave 5.27   Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves.
  seismic datum 2.57   Seitel blamed sales of seismic data that failed to close on time.
  seismic shift 2.57   For all that, there has been a seismic shift.
  seismic study 1.32   It provides for seismic studies and drilling three wells, inter alia.
  seismic survey 1.18   Seismic surveys use sound waves to chart geological formations.
  seismic station 1.05   There are also four seismic stations on the seabed offshore.
  seismic change 0.99   It is a seismic change.
  seismic event 0.99   Some have seismic events.
  seismic expert 0.92   Dog rescue teams, seismic experts, medical professionals.
  seismic test 0.79   Initially, Oswald was able to study seismic tests without getting onto the castle grounds.
  seismic upheaval 0.72   Any little disturbance can quickly mushroom into a seismic upheaval.
  seismic exploration 0.59   Seismic exploration is riskier.
  seismic technology 0.59   Pitts and Setzler said independents have banded together to take advantage of new seismic technology.
  seismic jolt 0.46   Yet another newspaper report last week triggered a seismic jolt.
  seismic equipment 0.39   ISC acquired seismic equipment to measure underwater tests and gyroscopes for remote-guided bombs.
  seismic fault 0.39   The region is prone to earthquakes, sitting astride a seismic fault.
  seismic project 0.39   The seismic projects are not.
  seismic reading 0.39   A printout looks like a seismic reading during an earthquake.
  seismic retrofit 0.39   It has been completely completed rewired and has undergone a thorough seismic retrofit.
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