segment be 7.90   Segments were longer.
  segment have 1.51   A. Some segments have high barriers.
  segment show 1.18   One segment showed how Moses was discovered at the bank of the Nile River.
  segment grow 1.05   Q. Which segments are growing the most quickly?
  segment include 0.86   The segment includes an interview with Morley Safer.
  segment air 0.72   The segment never aired.
  segment end 0.46   The segment ended with an explosion mixing flashes of blue, red and white light.
  segment feature 0.46   Each segment features a different diarist or set of diarists.
  segment come 0.39   Fortunately, the best segment comes first.
  segment focus 0.33   The segment focuses entirely on the winning Miners.
  segment seem 0.33   A few segments seem to have been taken directly from in-house propaganda.
  segment fall 0.26   All the clip segments fell flat.
  segment give 0.26   The weather segments also give the anchors a chance to banter with the weather people and lighten the proceedings.
  segment go 0.26   The road unravels at Allison, where each segment goes its own way.
  segment report 0.26   Human interest segments reported by women often spice up the dry X-and-O strategy talk.
  segment take 0.26   Each segment takes less than five minutes.
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