secrete hormone 0.86   Saliva dries up, the pupils dilate, and many, many hormones are secreted into his bloodstream.
  secrete protein 0.59   Astrocytes signal neurons to build synapses by secreting a protein.
  secrete substance 0.53   The pancreas secretes a substance called insulin.
  secrete insulin 0.39   So the elevation of calcium will secrete insulin.
  secrete toxin 0.33   In both cases, the organisms just secrete damaging toxins into the body where they are growing.
  secrete cell 0.26   By contrast, in patients negative to challenge the mean number of immunoglobulin secreting cells decreased during the challenge period.
  secrete melatonin 0.26   Melatonin is secreted only during darkness.
  secrete poison 0.26   The black-and-yellow frogs secrete a poison used by Amazon Indians for arrows and darts.
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