secession movement 1.71   It also is the secession movement that has driven much of the debate.
  secession referendum 1.32   The remainder said they would abstain in a secession referendum.
  secession effort 0.92   This could be a sign of secession efforts to come.
  secession opponent 0.86   Mayor James Hahn, a secession opponent, said it would harm the remaining neighborhoods of Los Angeles.
  secession drive 0.66   Politicians dismissed its secession drive as a gadfly fantasy.
  secession issue 0.53   He said he is neutral on the secession issue.
  secession bid 0.46   Premier Vance Amory announced the secession bid this week.
  secession attempt 0.39   But Bouchard left no doubt there would be a new secession attempt.
  secession leader 0.39   Valley secession leaders were outraged over the report.
  secession study 0.39   Advocates of the secession study have submitted a plan for the breakup to LAFCO.
  secession supporter 0.39   Hogwash, say secession supporters.
  secession advocate 0.33   Valley secession advocates applauded the study.
  secession bill 0.33   The dreaded secession bill still passed the Legislature last week.
  secession proposal 0.33   Instead, secession proposals would go to a citywide vote.
  secession struggle 0.26   If that is his answer, the Canadian dollar is likely to sink on currency markets in dread of another secession struggle.
  secession vote 0.26   Both Hahn and Villaraigosa promised during the campaign to let secession votes go forward, though both oppose splitting the city.
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