seat in 29.23   Guests were seated in three rooms.
  seat at 18.70   He was seated at an easel.
  seat on 15.34   John was seated on my left.
  seat with 4.74   Seated with her will be Owens.
  seat behind 4.21   Mr Kobold seated himself behind it.
  seat for 3.09   And seats for eight.
  seat beside 2.57   Helen was more than pleased to be seated beside Chris.
  seat around 2.44   We were all seated around the campfire.
  seat across 1.71   He was seated across the table from me.
  seat in_front_of 1.71   Not enough seats in front of the big-screen television?
  seat near 1.51   Jan was seated near the door.
  seat nearby 1.45   Her mother, seated nearby, nodded in approval.
  seat before 1.05   Fans were seated right before us.
  seat to 1.05   WPC Wright glanced at Morse, seated to her left.
  seat from 0.99   Seated across from him, de la Renta smiled faintly.
  seat between 0.79   Hubbard was seated between two fans.
  seat among 0.72   Both of them were seated among family members.
  seat outside 0.72   The alternate captured on film was seated outside the jury box.
  seat along 0.59   By then we were seated along the sides of the truck, facing each other, teeth on edge.
  seat opposite 0.59   Guido was seating himself opposite her again.
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