season time 103.29   At this time last season the Mets were in a shambles.
  season game 84.27   Baylor has won two games this season.
  season opener 45.36   College football season opener.
  season team 25.02   Ogden made the all-rookie team last season.
  season last 23.44   He has made the Pro Bowl the last six seasons.
  season race 16.52   It is his first race this season.
  season title 15.73   Both victories earned him the season title.
  season finale 14.68   Season finale.
  season start 13.56   Will the season start on time?
  season series 12.84   Their season series was even.
  season victory 10.99   It was second victory this season.
  season injury 10.80   He suffered the injury last season.
  season playoff 10.40   Still, no playoffs this season.
  season goal 9.87   He has six goals this season.
  season homer 9.74   He has six homers this season.
  season league 6.91   All were in the league last season.
  season player 6.91   Lewis has been a key player all season.
  season debut 6.58   Both made their season debuts.
  season point 6.52   Tenth in IRL points this season.
  season end 6.32   The season ends and the questions begin.
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