search be 41.87   Big search is underway.
  search continue 20.01   My search continued.
  search begin 7.83   The search began.
  search turn 6.25   A search turned up no gun.
  search take 5.73   A search can take weeks.
  search go 4.28   The search goes on.
  search resume 3.69   The search will resume Saturday.
  search end 3.09   His search had ended.
  search lead 2.44   That search led to Iniguez.
  search fail 2.37   Air and sea searches failed to locate him.
  search reveal 2.11   A search revealed no explosive on board.
  search come 2.04   THe search came up empty.
  search find 2.04   That search found nothing.
  search yield 1.91   The search yielded nothing.
  search have 1.71   The search has had its moments of confusion.
  search focus 1.45   Search for Suspect Focuses on Fla.
  search produce 1.32   The search produced -- Aha!
  search prove 1.25   That search proved fruitless.
  search start 1.12   The search started at halftime.
  search become 0.99   Such searches are becoming rare now.
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