script change 1.32   There could be a script change for this game.
  script writer 1.25   Some are producers or script writers.
  script doctor 0.59   This race has no need of a script doctor.
  script problem 0.53   Deadly script problems.
  script rewrite 0.46   There were frantic script rewrites, accidents, hurricane warnings and long delays.
  script approval 0.33   All depend on casting or script approval.
  script call 0.33   Nor did the script call for her to respond to questions.
  script idea 0.33   Try this script idea.
  script number 0.33   The script numbers are made by Creative Advertising of Warwick, R.I.
  script reading 0.33   The host, Jim Hill, proved himself superfluous and unusable for much beyond script reading.
  script recognition 0.26   Elastic curve matching has also been applied to cursive script recognition.
  script revision 0.26   Then he set to work on a script revision.
  script stage 0.26   The studio registers its title, often at the script stage.
  script writing 0.26   How did you first get into script writing?
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