scoreless inning 44.31   Cook pitched a scoreless sixth inning.
  scoreless draw 15.60   Celta-Zaragoza game was scoreless draw.
  scoreless tie 12.64   Second quarter of a scoreless tie.
  scoreless period 4.67   Colorado had its chances in a scoreless first period.
  scoreless ninth 4.34   Worrell pitched a scoreless ninth.
  scoreless half 3.36   Neither team dominated in the scoreless second half.
  scoreless eighth 3.23   Mlicki also pitched a scoreless eighth.
  scoreless game 3.16   Bases loaded and one out, the game scoreless.
  scoreless streak 1.71   Gone was the scoreless streak.
  scoreless relief 0.92   Pedro Borbon and Jeff Shaw also pitched scoreless relief.
  scoreless duel 0.79   For six innings, Dickson was locked in a scoreless duel with Wakefield.
  scoreless seventh 0.79   He allowed two hits in a scoreless seventh.
  scoreless quarter 0.46   Another game, another scoreless first quarter.
  scoreless appearance 0.33   He has put together a string of five scoreless appearances spanning six innings.
  scoreless first 0.33   Russia scored five goals in the second period, following a scoreless first.
  scoreless possession 0.33   The Kings embarked on six consecutive scoreless possessions.
  scoreless second 0.33   After the scoreless second, the Senators took over.
  scoreless two 0.33   He pitched two scoreless innings Saturday and had four strikeouts.
  scoreless ball 0.26   After a scoreless ball, Lara smashed the last three deliveries to the boundary.
  scoreless innings 0.26   Six more scoreless innings passed by as Castillo kept watching from afar.
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