score give 0.86   And our power play scored to give us a point.
  score tie 0.79   Two runs scored to tie it.
  score help 0.46   I would like to score to help the team turn it around.
  score make 0.39   Horry does not have to score to make an impact.
  score win 0.39   Enough points have been scored to win both the last two games.
  score put 0.33   The Jets quickly scored to put the game out of reach.
  score be 0.26   Others scoring were Frantisek Kaberle, Jaroslav Hlinka and Martin Prochazka.
  score cut 0.26   Glen Murray scored to cut the lead to two goals.
  score go 0.26   Wichita Falls scored to go ahead just before the halftime break.
  score put_ahead 0.26   Tkachuk, Chad Kilger and Tkachuk again scored to put Phoenix ahead.
  score settle 0.26   But he has one more score to settle.
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