score big 0.86   Krislov hopes to score big again by winning class-action status for the Crotty suit.
  score high 0.79   Yugoslavia wants to beat the United States Thursday and score high.
  score shorthanded 0.59   Viktor Kozlov also scored shorthanded.
  score higher 0.53   Hispanic fourth graders scored higher than in any state with significant minority populations.
  score short-handed 0.39   Keith Tkachuk scored short-handed for the Coyotes.
  score low 0.33   Keep it low and score it low.
  score lower 0.26   Why do black Americans score so much lower on standardized tests?
  score unassisted 0.26   Jody Hull scored unassisted in the third period for the Flyers.
  score untouched 0.26   Troutman scored untouched.
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