scenario be 35.94   Both scenarios are unlikely.
  scenario have 3.88   Some say the scenario has a familiar ring.
  scenario seem 2.44   The scenario seemed fanciful.
  scenario play_out 2.24   The same scenario could play out again.
  scenario involve 1.38   Another scenario involved a burglary.
  scenario happen 1.32   Neither scenario has happened.
  scenario occur 1.25   The reverse scenario occurred on Friday.
  scenario become 1.05   In other words the scenario becomes even tackier.
  scenario make 0.99   The scenario makes sense.
  scenario appear 0.92   But that scenario appears likely.
  scenario call 0.92   The most likely scenario calls for public hearings next year.
  scenario change 0.86   That scenario may change.
  scenario unfold 0.86   Several scenarios could unfold.
  scenario go 0.79   How can this scenario go wrong?
  scenario sound 0.79   This scenario may sound weird.
  scenario take 0.72   Consider how many times this scenario takes place as the foursome or fivesome assembles on the first tee.
  scenario continue 0.59   This scenario will continue through Saturday.
  scenario come 0.53   Looking at this, certain scenarios come to mind.
  scenario include 0.53   Other scenarios include a New Frontier Party alliance with the Democratic Party.
  scenario apply 0.46   In this case, both scenarios apply.
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