scale wall 5.40   He scaled the wall.
  scale fence 3.62   He scaled a fence for a view.
  scale plan 2.11   Plans were scaled back.
  scale operation 1.91   It succeeded, but operations were scaled back.
  scale production 1.91   Automakers have scaled back production.
  scale mountain 1.84   He knew how to scale mountains.
  scale height 1.58   In his etchings too, Squirrell can scale the heights.
  scale back 1.45   Australia is scaling back its contributionHill said Friday.
  scale expectation 1.12   As reality sets in, many Web-site operators are scaling back expectations.
  scale peak 0.99   The four scaled the peak last Thursday.
  scale output 0.79   Some companies have already started to scale back output in anticipation of lower sales.
  scale cliff 0.59   Scaling a cliff requires intense physical effort.
  scale ladder 0.59   Scaling ladders to reach the balcony, the washerwomen prevailed.
  scale building 0.53   The climber from Valence, France makes his living scaling tall buildings as publicity stunts.
  scale project 0.53   The project should be scaled back.
  scale service 0.53   Hospital service was scaled back.
  scale benefit 0.46   They say insurers could charge more for coverage and employers could scale back benefits or drop coverage.
  scale effort 0.46   Search efforts were scaled back in late December.
  scale program 0.46   Thirty-three percent of whites want these programs scaled back.
  scale ceremony 0.39   That prayer ceremony was also scaled back because of rough seas.
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