scale model 4.15   Once she even built her own scale model.
  scale war 0.92   The simmering border conflict erupted into full scale war in May.
  scale operation 0.86   Gordon allegedly directed a large scale telemarketing operation which employed dozens of salespeople.
  scale economy 0.66   The scale economies are potentially enormous.
  scale drawing 0.59   The architect made a scale drawing of the new room.
  scale industry 0.53   The Federation represents mostly small and medium scale industries in the country.
  scale project 0.53   Promote investments in large scale projects with emphasis on infrastructure.
  scale investment 0.46   Manuel said South Africa was attracting large scale investment.
  scale system 0.46   Mr Li agreed that the abolition of the scale fee system had aggravated the problem.
  scale offensive 0.39   Joaquim Antonio Marta said UNITA was on a full scale offensive in the province.
  scale production 0.39   Small scale production is still maintained.
  scale enterprise 0.33   Teacher education is a smaller scale enterprise than it was at the time of the events I have recorded.
  scale problem 0.33   --Potential home-run technologies face scale problems inside big companies.
  scale riot 0.33   A full scale riot was building.
  scale attack 0.26   Small scale attacks, however, are more unpredictable and can prove severely demoralizing.
  scale business 0.26   And he has built a massive scale business on a global basis.
  scale figure 0.26   Note that there is no longer a fixed national scale figure.
  scale investigation 0.26   He said there was no need for a full scale investigation.
  scale rebellion 0.26   Italy has taken the lead in offering aid to Albania where anti-government protests blew up this month into a full scale rebellion against Berisha.
  scale search 0.26   A full scale search for Kinker will begin on Sunday morning.
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