saving be 20.08   And the savings are incredible.
  saving come 5.73   And those savings do not come easily.
  saving go 1.12   Where have the savings gone?
  saving plan 0.99   Tuition savings plans.
  saving increase 0.72   Meantime savings have increased.
  saving evaporate 0.66   Families watched their life savings evaporate on stock markets.
  saving have 0.66   Yet at some point over the next decade bigger savings will have to be made.
  saving add_up 0.59   The savings can really add up.
  saving help 0.59   Savings can help finance other Community projects.
  saving vanish 0.59   Average people saw their savings vanish through inflation.
  saving make 0.53   After his down payment, the savings easily make his monthly payment.
  saving disappear 0.46   The savings often disappeared into the maw of the state budget.
  saving grow 0.46   And the savings could grow.
  saving materialize 0.46   But opponents say the savings would not materialize.
  saving offset 0.39   But the agency figures that will be offset by savings in postage.
  saving remain 0.39   Thus the actual savings to buyers remain unclear.
  saving result 0.39   In fact, most quick-hit savings result from simply stopping work that makes no sense.
  saving mean 0.33   Such savings would not mean fewer Prudential jobs.
  saving stem 0.33   Some savings stem from the Hobby-Eberly being a specialized telescope.
  saving associate 0.26   The layoffs are separate from cost savings associated with the Champion acquisition, Cox said.
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